Friday, February 10, 2012

What are the exact causes of hair loss?

Please recommend a hair loss product that has good consumer reputation.What are the exact causes of hair loss?
Men are more likely to experience baldness than women; some men may even begin to notice signs of hair loss during their teenage years. But what really causes you to loose your hair? Is it determined by gender? Or is it caused by hereditary factors? In fact, there are many different causes of hair loss, a few of which are examined here.


Certain prescription medications have the unfortunate side effect of causing the scalp hair to fall out. The most common culprits are chemotherapy and steroids. Chemotherapy patients generally begin to lose their hair within the first three weeks of treatment; fortunately, this condition is reversible, and new hair should begin to grow when the drug therapy is complete.

Anabolic steroids have many dangerous side effects, and these powerful drugs are well-known for increasing androgen levels; these hormones impede proper follicle function, often resulting in the loss of hair.

In addition, medications used in treating high blood pressure, arthritis and even depression may also cause temporary loss of hair.

Hair Growth Cycle

Under normal circumstances, an individual hair has a growth cycle of about 2 to 6 years. After the growth cycle ends, the hair falls out, and the process begins over again. At any given time, about 90% of the hair is in the growth stage, while 10% of the follicles are in a resting stage.

It is normal for some hair to fall out when you comb, brush, shampoo, dry, or even just rub your hair. Normally, about 50-100 hair strands may fall out on a daily basis. It is possible to lose as much as 40% of your hair before the thinning or balding becomes noticeable to others.

Abnormal Hormone Levels

Pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia, is caused by excessive levels of the male hormone testosterone. While this is ordinarily considered to be a men's issue, women can also experience hereditary scalp hair loss. This common problem is caused when testosterone produces high levels of DHT, an androgen that signals the follicles to stop working.

Other hormone imbalances can also lead to hair loss. Thyroid disease and the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and menopause can cause thinning or balding on the scalp.

Psychological Factors in Hair Loss

Depression, anxiety, and major stressful events can contribute to hair thinning and permanent hair loss. If stress or emotional issues are affecting hair growth, it can be difficult to diagnose the problem. If you have symptoms of an emotional disorder such as depression or anxiety, you should seek medical attention. Your doctor will be able to help you treat the underlying problem, as well as advise you on the course of treatment most appropriate for your hair loss issue.

The good news for hair loss sufferers is that there are many options for treating hair loss. Whatever the reason that your hair is thinning or balding, there is a treatment that can help. Talk to your doctor and find out which choices are available, and which one is best for you.

Click on the link below for a product that has helped me with my hair problems.What are the exact causes of hair loss?
stress could cause it..

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