Thursday, January 26, 2012

Will 4 epidural injections(steroidal) in 7mo. cause HAIR LOSS?

I've had 4 epidural injections in my spine (lumbar) in the last 7 months. About a month+ ago I noticed that I am losing a LOT of hair. I've had blood work done %26amp; everything came back normal. I want to know why I'm losing clumps of hair in the shower. And what can I do before I lose anymore?Will 4 epidural injections(steroidal) in 7mo. cause HAIR LOSS?
Four epidural steroid injections in 7 months that's a lot who's giving you these that is a lot of steroids and they are sometimes made in factories that make impure stuff i feel you may be a athlete or wrestler that has a coach that wants too keep you on the field with these be careful. Check your sources of medical supply ask a chemist or pharmacist about what you are getting.

Heck you better be careful this maybe dangerous to you in more than one way go to a E/R get a second opinion.

Be careful lumbar injections are usually a last resort pain killer get a second unbiased opinion. do it asap.

good luck.

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