Monday, January 30, 2012

What causes hair loss for teenagers?

Just recently I started to notice significant hair loss. I used to have a mass of bushy, long hair only about a month ago, and now I've got no idea where half of it went! It only worries me more because I'm not yet an adult and I want my hair back :(

P.S. I wash my hair once a fortnight because it's so long it takes about 2 hours with conditioner...but it has never affected the way my hair looks etc.What causes hair loss for teenagers?
My guess is either genetics, poor diet, and/or illness. Should probably see a doc just to be on the safe side. May also be a bodily change for pubertyWhat causes hair loss for teenagers?
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Either you are stressed because last summer I was really messed up and stressed out a lot and my hair started to fall out plus u need to drink lots of water and stay hydrated and out of the sun as much as possible, because that can cause damage to your scalp sometimes.

Hair treatments and styling. Having your hair chemically treated, such as getting your hair colored, bleached, straightened, or permed, can cause damage that may make the hair break off or fall out temporarily. Another type of baldness that results from hair styling can actually be permanent: If a person wears his or her hair pulled so tightly that it places tension on the scalp, it can result in a condition called traction alopecia. Traction alopecia can be permanent if the style is worn for a long enough time that it damages the hair follicles
hey i have quite long hair and i can tell ya this is probably nothin to worry about.

this happens to me every now and then it drives my boyfriend mad as it get every where.

he calls it moulting (which i think makes me sound like a bird) but it goes away after a little while and nobody even notices my hair looks different.

if it doesnt stop then i would get it checked out thou hun

hope this helps xxx
Three things spring to mind

1/ Stress

2/ anemia (I have this and have very fine hair now. Iron tablets will help)

3/ Alapecia
If you have a boyfriend you could be stressing and you are not supose to brush your air alot you are you are suppose to use a wide toothed comb to comb it you have just got out the shower and your hair is wet.
I think your in denial about the stress. your statement that your an optimist would tend to indicate that you bury anything unpleasant or conflicting in your subconscious.

This would cause stress.

The world is not a uniformly pleasant place and one should try to realise this and see things as they are.

Try to be neither an optimist or a pessimist but a realist.

You won't always be happy but will be better balanced.
You could have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). Do you have irregular periods? If so go see a gynaecologist, he will advise you.

Below, a useful site regarding PCOS.
Alright, in perusing and finding your query, I remembered that as a teem this DID in fact happen to me. I thought that it was the hair products that I had used and disposed of it immediately. A fortnight is a long time to go with sebaceous glands working a bit overtime. Your hormones may have something to do with it, as well as latent alopcia, and perhaps it is alopecia areata, there are latent onsets, or when the hair falls out in small patches quite generally round to the size of let's say a coin. That is likely based upon stress and as I have since found out, a lack of vitamin B as well as the Gentics that are perhaps included. Please ask yourself if there is anyone in yur family who has had this. However, before I would get too much more upset, I would see a specialist.. Stress is the majour factor in this, and I have seen it clear up on others. Tho' I am not an expert here, do not know your family history nor what you have been going through. I would find it difficult to assume that there is only one factor involved here. Please seek attention on the subject as soon as you can. I remember what the tempoary loss was like, as it ran in my family, mainly on the men's side, wherein they couldn't grow a beard, and the coin sized patches didnt grow in. It has all now stopped , and one more thing, the hormones that you are rampant with could be a migty culprit here as well.....hwever everything that I am saying is purely speculation for now as I do not know you. Please make an appt. and see your GP. Then take it from there. I do so wish you the best. It is startling as your hair is your mantle. Point taken. Thank You.
to be honest with you some women lose hair a significent amount its no biggie. your not going bald actually your going to start to wonder were all this is coming from and it doesn't look like your lossing any at all. i say shedding cause its crazy how it comes how. i think it might be geneticbecause all the females in my family have the same issue........... not to worry your fine
Stress, unhealthy hair/damaged hair, lack of vitamins. I would suggest getting your hair cut. I know you are thinking that I am out of my mind saying this but I am absolutely attached to my hair and when it was really long my hair started falling out too and I got it cut to about shoulder length. My hair looked AMAZING!! I am 16 and have experienced similar problems, it stopped falling out when i brushed it from the ends and worked my way up and got it cut. If your hair takes 2 hours to wash it might be a sign that it is too long. Getting your hair cut makes it look and feel healthier and it won't fall out! : ) Please take my advice change is good and it works, I promise!
How long is your hair?? Is your hair thin? Fine? But maybe its genetics or your tressed out over something
stress try some vitamin E
Could be a TRYROID problem or your diet. Could even be hormones
i think u should wash it more often thats prob why its fallin out
change in diet, but if it significant loss see a doctor
It could be hormonal or stress but you say not so you may have developed a condition called allapeshia (not correct spelling)my friend got it when we were in school she was about 16 she still has it but uses special shampoo and her hair looks great but very important you see your doctor or even a school nurse - good luck
stress..lack of sleep etc
May be due scalp condition.See a doctor and ensure that there is no infection.Try massage of a few drops of Almond Drop oil (best Bajaj Almond drops oils)twice daily.Take vitamins containing Zinc(Eg Zevit) after consulting a doctor.Donot use chemical based shampoos and switch over to herbal shampoo.
If you're not stressed, then it maybe something medical such as Alopecia areata or something hormonal. A trip to the GP will sort that out. Poor nutrition also causes hair loss so make sure you're getting lots of fruit and veg. You might want to check out the site below as it's got lots of useful information!
stress or a poor diet
You could have used too strong shampoo, or have been having too much stress! Go get a hair transplant and don't worry!
Mainly stress/ bulling. Or if your putting on chemicals on your hair.
hi, dont worry unless you have bold round circles, i would say the problem here is you lose naturally about 1,000 hairs a day and as you are only washing your hair 1 a fornight chances are this is when you lose them or notice them, this is natural the hair has a 8 week rest and regrows which is why we have all those short hairs you notice on long hair, if you are really worried dont waste money on remadies they dont work and the only magic ingrediant is massage well, so apply your normal conditioner and use firm small round movements this will re connect any follicle that may have come away from the root this is what causes perm hair loss, but really dont worry, i should know i teach hairdressing for a living, ps just to be on the safe side dont tie your hair back to tight as this can cause hair loss read up on traction alapica and apalica
use aloe vera
Please go and check this out with your doc, just to make sure you are in good health. Your doc will have a suggestion which will help, hopefully. Have you any other symptoms - do you feel a bit run down?

Stress can often affect your hair. You might not be aware of it, bit something could be bugging you. Do you have exams coming up? That could do it! Talk it through with someone in confidence

It sounds as if your hair is very long, and sometimes, the strength goes out of it. I would suggest you go to a good hairdresser and have it cut. I know it's great to have very long hair, but it will grow again. Take the hairdresser's advice, but I'd suggest just below shoulder length.

I find whenever I wash my long hair I lose what feels like a lot of hair! I think that's normal.

Lastly - don't worry!! The worry is likely to make it worse, since that will cause you are young I'm sure this is just a temporary thing.

Hope this helps.

Take a multivitamin tablet (check with your mom first if you are under 18) Choose a good quality make with minerals as well as vaitamins. There are products on the market that give your general health a boost (one called ';Minidex'; eg, just a vitamin medicine) At your age you might be a bit run down.
could be stress or vitamin deficiency you really need to see your Dr. right away
I'd see your doctor for some advice to rule out some medical disorder or maybe get some treatment. There are clinics that deal with hair loss also. its distressing when this happens and I don't think any one would like to have this happen at any age. Hope it is resolved for you. good luck.
STRESS......just like me................if not consult a doctor
Chemical dying material or maybe an illness

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