and overall how the chemical treatment of cancer work on the cancer cells ?In general, Why cancer chemical therapy causes hair loss.?
Formation of hair involves division of cells, as do growth of cancers. Briefly chemotherapy inhibits division of cells, thereby preventing formation of new hair. We shed hair all the time, and consequently hair loss is greater than hair formation during chemotherapy. When the treatment is over hair formation becomes normal again.In general, Why cancer chemical therapy causes hair loss.?
Cancer cells are rapidly dividing abnormal cells. Chemotherapy drugs are cyto-toxic meaning they target cell division and especially target rapidly dividing cells, killing them off.
Chemo also kills off healthy cells, unfortunately. Hair, stomach and intestine as well as other more rapidly dividing cells in the body are also damaged by these drugs, which is why your hair falls out during treatment. Once treatment stops, these cells grow back (hopefully there are no remaining cancer cells to grow back after treatment).
That is about as simple an explanation as I can give.
better search in google because there is very many causes!
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