Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What causes hair loss?

I understand one thing is genetics. My brother lost a significant amount of hair from the ages 19-23. I am 18 and now going through the same thing. I want to at least attempt to stop it before it gets worse. What is the science behind hair loss? Also, is there any natural way to prevent it?What causes hair loss?
1. Check your diet. If you are not eating a balanced diet, your entire body will be affected, and your hair is a part of your body. Certain proteins, minerals, and oils are critical for normal hair health.

2. Check your stress levels. Anxiety and stress are common causes of hair loss. Some stress cannot be avoided, but you can take steps to reduce their affect on your body. One of these is regular exercise. As well, you need to develop relaxation techniques, such as breathing therapy, Yoga, or meditation. Whatever works for you, increase it!

3. Hair loss can be a symptom of a disease – Lupus and Diabetes are two common causes. When hair loss appears to have no other cause, you need to check with your doctor. Diabetes and Lupus are more dangerous than the hair loss they cause.

4. How about mom and dad? Hair loss, particularly pattern hair loss, is partially a result of heredity, and heredity from both sides. Unfortunately, this one can’t be reversed.

5. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss. Usually, you will see the signs of these on your scalp. Have them diagnosed and get them treated!

6. Harsh shampoos can cause increased hair loss. There is an ingredient in shampoo which causes it to lather – surfactant. Too much of this can cause itchy, dry, and scaly scalps, and those conditions can cause hair loss.

If you find that you are doing everything right and have no diseases or scalp conditions, you will want to try other remedies, which fall into three categories.

1. Medicines developed specifically for hair loss. There are a multitude of creams, pills, and ointments available to try. Everyone is different and what works for one will not necessarily work for you. You will need to experiment to find one that seems to work best for you.

2. Natural remedies are available as well. Most of these include essential oils, that is, concentrated oils from specific plants. Provillus is a very good example of this method of hair loss treatment. Provillus is an oral supplement, which works to block DHT, a form of testosterone that is responsible for 95 percent of hair loss.

It also works to stimulate the scalp and bring dead follicles back to life. You can use Provillus as a preventative tool, starting the program before hair loss becomes severe, or you can use it after DHT has already begun to take hold of your hair and scalp.

3. Surgery: There are a wide variety of procedures available to you, however, they are quite costly. Any type of permanent hair replacement will take several months, several visits, and several trips to your bank account. Research your options, and get several consultations before a final decision.Try the least expensive and lifestyle change options first. If they work, you have saved yourself time and money. But don’t sit on the situation too long – hair loss can be a symptom of something more serious.

You can order a free trial of Provillus from the source link below. You have a chance your brother didnt have. Help your self before its to late, you might even help your brother.What causes hair loss?
Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.Perming, straightening, hair dyeing and bleaching ,hot combing, using heated rollers and hot wax inevitably damage the hair.Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Check out http://usefulinfo-hairloss.blogspot.com/ for more info.
Normal Hair Loss:

We all lose about 100 hairs per day, out of the 100,000 contained by the average scalp. This is due to a few factors:

* Lifespan: The average lifespan of a single hair is 4.5 years; the hair then falls out and is replaced within 6 months by a new hair.

* Styling: Shampooing, blow drying, and brushing hair can all cause a few hairs to fall out; most of us do this regularly.

* Aging: After the age of 30 (and often before), men and women both start losing hair, though men tend to do so at a faster rate.

Hereditary Hair Loss:

Genetic hair loss isn’t due to excessive amounts of hair falling out, as many believe, but to an insufficient amount of hairs growing back to replace the hairs that have been shed. Hereditary baldness is associated with a few factors:

* Gender: Hereditary, or “pattern” baldness, is much more common in men than in women.

* Age: By age 30, 1 in 4 men is balding; by age 60, 2 in 3 men are balding or bald.

* Hormones: Pattern baldness is associated with testosterone; women who have more of it in their system as they age tend to lose (or, technically, fail to re-grow) more hair. This is also why more men experience pattern baldness.

Stress and Hair Loss:

You may have heard that stress can cause hair loss, and it’s true. Excessive physical or emotional stress, like that associated with injury, illness or surgery, can cause one of two types of hair loss:

* The more common type is called telogen effluvium. With this less severe type of hair loss, the hair stops growing and lies dormant, only to fall out 2 or 3 months later. Then it grows back within 6 to 9 months.

* The other type of stress-induced hair loss is known as alopecia areata, and involves a white blood cell attack on the hair follicles. With this type of hair loss, the hair also falls out within weeks (usually in patches), but can involve the entire scalp and even body hair. Hair may grow back on its own, but treatment may also be required.

Other Hair Loss Factors:

There are other factors that can also cause hair loss, including but not limited to:

* Illness

* Hormonal changes

* Pregnancy, childbirth, and birth control pill usage

* Nervous habits

* Chemotherapy

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