Saturday, February 4, 2012

What can cause hair loss?

6 months ago i quit taking birth control pills because it was causing my hair to come out to much among other side affects...

My doctor told me it should quit coming out so much in a month or so...

But I am still noticing alot of hair coming out in the shower when i wash my hair and brush my hair...

I try to eat healthy, take vitamins...still my hair comes out more than normal

any suggestions?What can cause hair loss?
ROIDS!!!What can cause hair loss?
r u stressed or in a bad state of mind ? other then that , a lack of iron , vitamines , or ur homones are not regular.
Massage your hair with coconut oil at least twice in a week.

Eat Curry Leaves

Eat more vitamin A and Iron content foods.

The below link will help you lot.>
stress, lack of should go to your doctor again with the same concern, I'm sure he/she will have some answers, if not, he/she will find one for you.
Exact same thing happened to me. I lost lots of hair while on Alesse.

We ruled out stress, sleep habits, diet, etc.

It turns out I just reacted poorly to that pill. When I switched brands there wasn't a problem.

Also, people do lose hundreds of hairs a day. If you have longer or darker hair it is more obvious. It's also a change in season, that can promote hair loss. If you're putting it in tight ponytails that can cause your hairs to break. You can take prenatal vitamins for your hair, but talk to your pharmacist. They may make you queasy.

If the quantity of hair ON your head looks normal I wouldn't sweat it too much. If you're losing clumps or balding in patches you really need to see your hairdresser (they're usually easier to get in to see) and your doctor.

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