Friday, February 10, 2012

Im getting a bald spot in my hair, what is the cause of hair loss at a young age?

my hair has been shedding alot lately, should i be taking vitamins or should i change the shampoo i use? please help!Im getting a bald spot in my hair, what is the cause of hair loss at a young age?
Hair Growth Vitamins>

Hair Loss Prevention>

Head Massage For Fast Hair Growth>Im getting a bald spot in my hair, what is the cause of hair loss at a young age?
Usually it is genetics or stress. Go to a physician and get a shot of steroids.
Pulling hair too much, may be from braids, gel up for sticky hair look or used too much chemical elements on hair.
Such hair loss is always due to genetic inheritance, said to be mainly from the maternal family side. Keeping to a good well-balanced diet and regular exercise for optimum blood circulation helps to minimise the loss.
How young are you? When I was just 10 years old, my hair started falling out and when I told my mom, she kept thinking that I was brushing it too hard, scrubbing it too hard when I washed it, etc. She wouldn't take me seriously. When I woke in the mornings, my pillow was covered in hair. I developed a bald spot on my crown and my mom started pulling my hair back into a ponytail to cover it up. I was in school one day and the elastic broke and my hair came down and all the children in my class started laughing at my big bald spot. I was devastated! I put my head down on my desk and cried in humiliation for the rest of the day. When I went home, I announced to my mom that I would not be returning to school. My mom realized finally that I needed to see a doctor. Next day, she took me to the doctor and we found out that I had a thyroid gland disorder. I was prescribed some pills and within a few weeks my hair started growing back in and I took the pills for about 6 months and never had the problem again. As well, I had a bed-wetting problem that was also devastating and even though this was not mentioned to the doctor, I stopped wetting the bed and never had that problem again, either. So, my suggestion is that you go see the doctor. It could be your thyroid gland is out of whack - either hyperactive or hypoactive. The thyroid gland controls a lot of things. Have this problem checked out and do not accept it as hereditary or lack of vitamins. Worth seeing the doctor about. Good luck!
consult a trichologist
stress....lower the stress level
Hair loss is always hereditary and comes from the mother's side of the family.
  • microdermabrasion
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