Friday, February 10, 2012

Does ACCUTANE cause hair loss?

am 16 and had bad acne i wen tto the doctor he gave me accutane and i have been using it for the past 2 months my acne has cleared up 90%. it is a success i couldnt be happier with the results but i also noticed since using it i have had hairloss i remember right before using acutane i pulled my hair infront of my friends as hard as possible at a restaurant to prove i had the strongest hair. i won. i now notice hair just falling off. i looked it on teh internet and some testemonials claim that it does some dont but i havent come across actual scientific evidence. i went to my doctor and explained to him and he said i still have nice hair and he doesnt knwo of anyting like that. i know my hair is falling so does my sisters when they go in the washroom after me and my doctor is oen where he usually has to look up stuff and get back to you. so PLEASE HELP ME. DOES ACCUTANE CAUSE HAIRLOSS? IS IT PERMINENT OR JUST WHIL;E UR ON THE MEDICATION? PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR EXPERIENCES OR SCIENTIFICDoes ACCUTANE cause hair loss?
Hair loss is one side effect that is seen with use of accutane, however it is quite a rare one. I think about 1.5% of people who use it may experience this, and its not just in the form of male pattern baldness, it is more patchy.

Speak to the doctor that prescribed it for you, and they will be able to tell you if the hair loss you are experiencing is actually due to the medication, or whether it is due to a normal pattern hair loss because there is a noticeable difference.Does ACCUTANE cause hair loss?
Your doctor has been irresponsible - he does know that there is a great risk of hair loss as a result of using accutane. He should have told you. However - read on and you will be encouraged that you will recover your hair but it will take a while. Below is a question that was asked of Dr Khadavi of and he has given the answer below. Hope this is helpful

';Hello Dr. Khadavi I was on accutane for about 6 months and during my treatment I had no signs of hair loss. It was only after about 3 to 4 months that I started to notice my hair falling out a lot. I'm starting to see many strands of hair in my brush which I hardly ever had before. I hair is essentially falling out everywhere throughout my head, which includes the the top, and sides. The front of my hair where the hair line is, seems to be stronger than the other parts and not fall out as much, and the back of my head is better as well, since the hair is really short. One other thing, the hairs that fall out don't seem to have big roots attached to them, they seem to be small roots. Do these symptoms go with telogen effluvium? Finally, Have you ever had patients who had hair loss due to accutane? and if so, did you see that they regained their hair again? Thank you.';

Answer from DR KHADAVI:

';I have patients that have had hair loss while on Accutane and typically it may last for 6-9 months and most of the hair then regrows. is a hair loss information and news site dedicated to covering treatments and options backed by scientific data.

I don麓t know what he means when he says most of it grows back. Perhaps you can contact him at that website.

If interested you may want to reseach my Best Answers about hair loss and a natural treatment I discovered after much experimentation and reseach. It definitely halts loss and restores growth but the results take several months. I do not know if it would help someone who has had accutane treatment.

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