i too washes my hair everyday~ didnt realli see negative signs.. but i uses condition after shampoos~Does washing your hair too much remove nutrients and natural oils causing hair loss?
possibly..you should use dove shampoo because it leaves the oils in your hair that you need and takes out the ones you dont need..
All I know is it will damage your hair definitely has to do with removing natural oils, not sure about removing nutrients (as hair is dead)....not sure if it causes hair loss....but stress does.
yup, that why you use conditioner instead of shampoo if u wash it a few times a day
frequent washing will reduce the nutrients from your hair n this will lead 2 hair fall
it also depends on the shampoo u r using
if it is a mild shampoo thin it will have a small impact,but any strong shampoo will harm your hair
NO.INFACT IT IMPROVES BLOOD CICULATION.I SUGGEST DONT WASH EVERYDAY.u can go for an alternate day hair wash.goodluck.
yes. wash it twice or thrice a week that is enough.
yeh, wash it every 2-4 days!!!
If you use a shampoo with Zinc in it it can, but otherwise no
ya it does.. but if u really want to wash it often then use a mild shampoo.. baby shamoops are ideal in that case..
no .
Its bad to wash your hair everyday..your suppose to wash it every other day. when you wash it everyday you remove the oil that protects your hair from environmental pollution etc...therefore its important to keep that oil in your hair to protect it. It dries up your hair and it can cause it to fall if you wash it alot!...some shapoos have a lot of chemicals that can cause your hair to fall...try a new shampoo and dont stress so much cuz that can be a cause as well.
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