Thursday, February 2, 2012

What causes hair loss? What can I do to prevent it or get my hair back? THANKS!!?

stress not enough sleep, and many other things, bad health/diet, eat healthy, get at least 8 hours of sleep and live in the moment not in the future, if you have kids try to have fun with them and love them tell them that and don't let them stress you out. and to get it back talk to a salon stylist they will help you.What causes hair loss? What can I do to prevent it or get my hair back? THANKS!!?
It is common for a woman to lose about 5000 strands per day. This will fluctuate with stress or illness. If you lose more than that for a signifigant amount of time, it could be a warning sign for something serious. There are many causes for hair loss, including genetics. Hair loss in women is often one of the first sign of a thyroid disorder. I would talk to a doctor if at all possible - hair loss is usually easier to treat and prevent than to reverse a signifigant loss.What causes hair loss? What can I do to prevent it or get my hair back? THANKS!!?
I have this same problem.. at first i though it was my birth control cause some times a side effect of that is hair loss. i went to see a specialist... i was then diagnosed with alopecia ariata... (spelling).... stress causes it to fall out too.. along with diet and sleep.. try to live as healthy as you can for a little while and see if it changes... if not go see a doc.

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