Thursday, February 2, 2012

What causes hair loss on back of dog?

Allergies, Stress, Poor Diet and Parasites can all cause hair loss on a dog. Is it patches of hair being lost?What causes hair loss on back of dog?
A common cause for dogs to get hair loss on their backs is from FAD, Flea Allergy Dermatitis. It can take one flea bite to cause this to flare up. I recommend starting your dog on a flea prevention right away, such as Frontline, or Advantage. Stay away from Walmart products or Flea Collars. Flea collars can be dangerous if gotten wet. This won't cure your dog completely, it could also have a secondary infection from scratching and will need to be put on a series of medications such a antibiotics, and possibly steroids. Hope this helps! =]What causes hair loss on back of dog?
My dog had hair loss on back (from gnawing at it) and vet says he was allergic to fleas. I said he doesn't have fleas. Vet said if he was outdoors it would only take the bite of 1 flea to cause this allergic reaction. Vet put my dog on an oral prednisone medicine to stop swelling and itching.

Also dog might need nutritional supplement (but check with vet for that). Good luck.
Is the hair loss in patches or circles? It could be hot spots and this would just require a cream that you put on the hot spot twice a day or so.

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