Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What causes Hair loss, and what can be done about it?

I just had my 3rd child, and I know my nutrition is lacking. But is that the only reason I have started lossing handfuls of hair. My hair was thick when I was a teen... now its growing increasingly thinner, and it has be thoroughly worried. Help!What causes Hair loss, and what can be done about it?
Hair loss after birth is extremely common. There are two main types of female alopecia (hair loss) - alopecia areata (this is when the immune system attacks hair follicles and is not likely) and androgenic alopecia which is caused by hormones.

Estrogen is the hormone in question. While pregnant, your estrogen levels are very high (you may have noticed your hair fuller at this time). After birth, the estrogen level declines causing shedding and thinning. If you are not currently on birth control, I would suggest taking it again as it stabilizes an appropriate level of estrogen within the body. If you are very near menopause, I would talk with your physician about choices. Hair loss during menopause will most likely increase.

Have you noticed changes in your skin such as oiliness or increased acne? If so, I would be certain that it is because of your estrogen level. Otherwise, your most likely other reason is what is mentioned above regarding your thyroid.

Good luck!What causes Hair loss, and what can be done about it?
there could be a variety of reasons.

the most obvious one i can think of is, you may have something wrong with your thyroid. has it been checked lately? are you tired all the time? gained weight? feel your neck. if you have a goiter, then you definitely may have a thyroid issue.

it could be you're under a lot of stress right now, or it could be your body adjusting to not being pregnant. have you had your iron checked? although i'm not sure lack of iron causes this.........

better make you an appointment at the doctor. that's your best bet.

plant the area that it don't have hair

i'm not joking
It all depends on your age.

If you are over 40 then it may be something more to worry about. Under that and it probably is the stress of giving birth. When you give birth you body can be drained of nutrients that your hair needs. It is quite common after childbirth. It this is the cause here are somethings you need to do right away:

Start eatting a healthy diet high in veggies and fruit and protein

Take supplements with all your B vitamins and extra Biotin

Wash your hair with baby shampoo and use no gel or other

items to weigh the hair down. Childrens spray rinse is good.

Get oxygen to scalp, dont wear hats

Get good exercise as it helps oxygenate the blood to the scalp

especially aerobics

Talk to a Health Food Person or Herbalist as they have remedies

See a Nutritionist fast

Talk to your doctor about balancing Hormones, childbirth gets

them out of whack. He can test for that.

If you are over 40, it can surely be hormone problems, DHT,

start of periomenopause (even though you had a baby), or hereditary.

Here is some Hair System I use and it deffinately stops the hair from falling out. I started it and the falling stopped in a day or two. It is totally gentle. Read about the products and then give it a try until you can balance your system.

Look up in the internet:

The full kit works the best and they have deals on it all the time. I believe it cost me about $79.00 and lasted a few months. Give it a try. And read the tesstimonials.

Good Luck and Congratulations on the Baby has good information on hair loss and product suggestions.

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