Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is it genetic or stress that causes hair loss?

im a regular 18 yr old kid (turning 19 in 2 weeks) and im experiencing hair loss last 8 months. Everyone on my dads side all lost their hair when they got older but i thought the hair issue came from the moms side? maybe i stressed out a little bit cuz of school and the family issue. anything i can do to prevent this?Is it genetic or stress that causes hair loss?
Permanent hair loss is the result of genetic and hormonal factors. Hereditary baldness is the most common form. In fact, it is so common that many people think it is a normal part of the ageing process

Some causes of hair loss include:

1.Heredity the effects of testosterone, the male sex hormone

2.Hormonal changes such as thyroid disease, childbirth or use of the birth control pill

3.Alopecia areata an autoimmune disorder

4.Medications such as cancer chemotherapy or corticosteroids

5.Nervous habits such as continual hair pulling or scalp rubbing

6.Rough handling brushing too vigorously, tight rolling of hair curlers, over bleaching or the use of harsh dyes and chemicals

7.Burns or injuries

8.Tinea capitis (ringworm of the scalp)

9.Long-term illness, major surgery and high fever may cause temporary hair loss.Is it genetic or stress that causes hair loss?
well its genetics no doubt about it

the same thing happen to my freind but when he went into more detail about asking his family

he realized it runs in his family

many of his uncles and cuzin and facing the same issue

he also thought before that it was all the stress he was dealing with due to his family and social problems thats was cousing it.

so dont fuss about it and if yuh want to have your hair grow back again you can get a regrowth laser treatment which really works

my freind has gone to 2 treatments and his almost back to the way his hair was.
There are a lot of causes of hair loss, and stress is one of them. If you're losing hair due to a stressful event, the hair loss should be temporary.

There are a few genetic causes of hair loss (that I know of). The one you're thinking of (patterned balding) is passed through your mother (you were right). You'll want to look at your mother's father to see if you may have any inheritance there.

There is also a disease known as alopecia that causes partial or total hair loss. This is an auto-immune disorder, and is genetic. Your immune system will start attacking your hair folicles, which can be triggered by stress. If you have a family history of auto-immune disorders (any auto-immune disorder, it doesn't have to be alopecia) I'd visit a doctor.

Here's a website that lists causes of hair loss in both men and women:>
I was experiencing hair loss @ age 24 and my dad has a full head of hair i was like WTF? but they say your moms dad so check him, eventually my grandfather on my moms was completely bald, and over the years my hair was thinning. I ended up cutting my hair little by little trying to conceal my thiness. sad cause i even tried to grow it long and ended up doing a couple of COMB OVERS yucky, but eventually i started just cutting it short all the way down to a # 1 guard, and people said it looked much better, one day i wanted a change and i completely bict my head, so right now im bald its a whole new look and i love it, old friends don't even recognize me you should try it one day if it ever comes down to it, and if you don't want to you can always just cut it short to where your most comfortable. it'll be fine don't stress about it. PS on the record I loved my hair and miss it I have high school pictures of me combing it like elvis lol.
Well, both genetics and stress can cause hair loss, but there are some other things that could as well. For example, hormone levels. Hormones such as TSH and fT4. These hormones go back and forth between your thyroid gland and the pituitary gland in your brain. When one or both of these hormones are out of balance, then a one of the symptoms you will have is hair loss, along with others such as fatigue and having and hard time waking up. It's pretty common. But for you, I would bet it is probably genetic based or stress based. It's true that hair loss seems to come from your mom's side for the most part, but it could also come from your dad's side.

To prevent it, I guess you could try the rogain stuff. I have a good friend who decided to just sport the bicked look, and it works well! Good luck with it, either way!
def. genetics.
it could be genetics...stress though can also cause it also your thyroid.
definitely genetic.
It can be both or either.

See your doc, it could be a symptom of something else, too...

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