Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Has anyone taken coreg before for mitral valve prolapse and does it causes hair loss?

My hair was very thick and tall. But i have noticed that after taking coreg for some months, while combing my hair it would just fall out from the root with the bulb still intact. my hair is now half of what it use to be and my scalp feels tender all the time. My Doctor says its not the medication but i am curious to find if the medication could cause it and if any one else have such reaction to it.Has anyone taken coreg before for mitral valve prolapse and does it causes hair loss?
Coreg may upset thyroid or disrupt insulin regulation. Either of these can precipitate hair loss. I had worked in one of the nations largest integrative medical clinics. We would routinely get our patients off of Beta blockers, with great care of course. This a type of drug which presents risks that outweigh the benefits. Sadly, many doctors dispense it without fully being aware of it's consequences.

On that note will provide a natural protocol for Mitral Valve Prolapse.

Back in the 1930's there was abundant research on what was referred to as the ';anti-paralysis vitamin.'; It is a great misfortune that this vitamin is not included in any standard vitamin formula, it's not even legal for a label to state its existence. Sometimes medicine is overly conservative or perhaps political or ego driven. Irregardless, this vitamin is called adenine or is also known as vitamin B4. Notice on a label you will only see vitamins, B1 through B6, but there is no B4 listed!

It is highly subject to heat, but the good news is that this vitamin is found in brewer's and/or nutritional yeast and wheat germ. Taking an abundant source of this daily along with omega-3 fatty acids, especially Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil (please do not use any other form as they have been altered through distillation processes).

I would also suggest using iodine to help bolster insulin regulation and thyroid function. See this site for more detailed information regarding this. http://www.immortalhair.org/physiology.htmHas anyone taken coreg before for mitral valve prolapse and does it causes hair loss?
It is very possible that the medication has triggered your hair loss. Medication-induced hair loss usually begins 1-3 months after beginning the medication so the time frame does show a possible connection. If you had a medical procedure or anesthesia this could also trigger hair loss. This type of hair loss is often temporary and self-correcting as the body begins adjusting. If the body does not adjust quickly the hair loss can become severe and it can become a chronic condition. Other people have experienced hair loss on this type of medication. There are also many other possible causes for this type of hair loss. The link below may help you.

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