Tuesday, February 7, 2012


im 18 and my dad said when im older i'll get bald , because of hair gelDOSE HAIR GEL CAUSE HAiR LOSS?
If u use a lot of gel, and don't wash it out, YES IT CAN CAUSE HAIR LOSS. If you wash it out everyday then you should be okay. If is dries and flakes in you hair, then it contains a lot of alcohol, which can dry out your scalp, and lead to hair loss. So be careful, and wash that stuff out. And look for alcohol free gels is you can, or try professional lines like Sebastian, they are really lite and don't leave a lot of residue.DOSE HAIR GEL CAUSE HAiR LOSS?
no....some hair loss is natural and in some ppl hair loss is genetic
yeah coz its better not 2 use chemical in hair lyk gel ,hair spray etc.but we r so much consious abt our style than anythin so wash it off after using it
no he's probably just saying that to mess with you..the only bad thing about hair gel is that it general contains dimethelcone...which is essentially alcohol which can dry out your hair and isn't good for your scalp.....also male pattern baldness runs in your mom's side so if her dad has a great head of hair your probably fine...
i highly doubt you will go bald, you might loose a few strands of hair when applying. Nothing to buy a wig about.

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